This contribution is a case study of a combination of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of collagen as well as oxygen and strontium isotope analysis of tooth enamel. With these methods,  diet and mobility at the late Neolithic and early Aeneolithic site of Monjukli Depe in southern Turkmenistan is investigated. The paper is a summary of preliminary results of the ongoing investigation. The reconstruction of isotopic profiles was performed on sequentially sampled enamel of third molars from sheep and goat individuals. From the oxygen isotopic ratios, sample positions of summer maxima and winter minima were selected for strontium isotope analysis in order to explore whether the same or different sources of food or grazing localities were used in these two seasons. Results from carbon and oxygen isotope analysis demonstrate both seasonal variation and cyclical similarity in the δ13C, but measurements of 87Sr/86Sr show less significant intra-annual variation suggesting a stay all year around. Implications for the role of sheep and goat herd movement and hence their herders from the early village community of Monjukli Depe are discussed. The paper argues that short-term cyclical mobility and mid-term regional mobility need to discerned clearly. This research project investigates short term mobility. Its results should not be used as grounds for firm sedentariness of the local population.